A Scientific Journal Published three times a year bythe Arab Society for Plant ProtectionISSN e 2412-5407 - ISSN p 0255-982X
The Arab Journal of Plant Protection (AJPP) is an open accessjournal included in CABI, AGRIS and Google Scholar data bases andindexed by the Arab Impact Factor, Scientific Indexing service (SIS)and Global Impact factor (GIF)
2015 Arab Impact Factor is 1.602015 SIS Impact Factor is 0.8322015 GIF Impact Factor is 0.897
Full research or review articles
60 USD for ASPP members at least one co-author should be an ASPP member
100 USD for non-members.
Short communications
30 USD for ASPP members at least one co-author should be an ASPP member
50 USD for non-members.