‘Euphresco is a network for phytosanitary research coordination and funding’. ‘Euphrescois a forum for plant health research’. ‘Euphresco is a platform to enhance researchcoordination and international collaboration’. These statements are all correct, butEuphresco is above all a service to countries. In this light, it is not surprising that theservice must be regularly adapted to better serve the needs its ‘clients’. In the last 12month, the membership to Euphresco has been broadened to include for-profit entities, forwhich plant health is one of the main areas of interest. Involvement of these entities inEuphresco activities will create synergies between the research programming activities ofEuphresco members and the programmes of industry. This represents an opportunity tobenefit from greater resources (more funds, more expertise, more people), and to reducethe gaps between the policy makers, the research funders and the stakeholders. While wedevelop a more diffuse national coordination by involving more players in each country, wealso try to broaden the geographical coverage of the network. Stronger nationalcoordination will result in more impactful transnational coordination.